If you're a long time reader, you may have noticed that my posts are completely bi-polar.
If you're a new reader- welcome!
I used the studs on bottoms that don't fit me. Scratch that, I'd actually gotten the bleached jeans to stud & decided to cut them up yesterday. I think at this point I can 'race' someone and beat them at studding. Really, I may have become somewhat of a pro by now.
Note to add: Do not wear these at the airport. I wore mine when I went to TX.
((airport security alarm))
Luckily, no one made me take my pants off. Nonetheless, never making that mistake again.
Order in which they were done...

I wanted to try something out of the ordinary first. Trial & error.

It's hard to align and not have your eyes go @@

I love how these turned out...too bad they're too small for me to keep!