Chronicles of a gift-opening day

First time ever documenting a gift-opening session...
When Opening Ceremony emailed me to let me know my order was the very first to be shipped out, I was so excited! Little did I know they'd be shipping them via super mega snail mail...and make that from East to West...then...after waiting for so long (a month is really long for something you desperately want ASAP), and seeing that Gennie had already picked hers up, I grew more and more impatient. To make matters worse, I was away from home when they were delivered so I had to wait an extra day! Finally picked them up this morning and I AM IN AWE of how perfect they are. My day started sort of slow...and then it picked back up when J told me he wouldn't be leaving to Hong Kong tonight because of the typhoon. I used to hate typhoons when I lived in HK beside the fact that there was no school on those days but it also meant having to be a hermit for days! Anyway, so as he broke the news, my heart was jumping for joy but I didn't show it-'s fair to say that I am feeling better.
Anyway, I cut a pair of leather pants I had laying around a few months ago and I think it's time I wear them with these shoes.