These were taken from our vacation in Oahu last month. We stayed in Shark's Cove this time. It was all country. Pineapple fields galore and excellent much better than the crowded/tourist trap Waikiki area...though I have to admit I really wanted to go to Aloha Rag but luckily we were too far from it. I'm on a self-imposed shopping ban for a good while.
We were able to navigate ourselves around the entire island this time.
J took some beautiful pictures that I'd like to share with you...

This was our friends' wedding at the bride's stepmom's BACKYARD.
I wonder when my move-in date is?

Our only day in Waikiki...

Free range chicken

This cat lives at a little joint/hole in the wall looking food stand across from where we looks like the chickens might have bit a piece of his ear off. He and I were quick to become friends...

He was begging for food the next day I went back. I am far too weak when it comes to animals.

My new favorite question...
"Is it wild or farm-raised?"

On our way out of the countryside...

To go hiking!

After a million bug bites and a mile or so later, we made it to our destination!

We fell in love with Kailua beach when we visited a few years ago. We had to go back. This is my sister btw.

Clear waters and no crowds to deal with!

5 is a crowd

A shot of the city...

Pineapple fields

Hmm piƱa colada anyone?

J and my youngest brother went snorkeling next door on the morning before our flight....looks like another cat befriended them at the food joint.

Being a new advocate of "What did you eat today? And where did it come from?", I was happy to see this picture. Salad, brown rice, and fish sandwich.