It's the hard knock life
I ♥ Raquel Sosa

These tights needed to get some light and I haven't been able to take them off since.
I always get weird looks when I wear them. Oh well! Those who stare are categorized in two:
1) They just stare & stare x 100
2) They always ask where they're from
They're not as hard to slip into as they look but I love them so much that I ended up getting the ones by Stolen Girlfriends so I can alternate between the two. I've got these say, the quality of these are by far 100% better than the ones by Stolen Girlfriends...I've only worn those once and they're already getting kinda runny. Maybe I snagged them somewhere...?
I'm going to wear these with a longer skirt next time...I think this weekend.
Raquel made me an amazing & breathtaking shirt to go with my Margiela boots. I had to change into it as soon as I got it. I find it hilarious that Margiela was inspired David Penfound's design...and well, now it's been remade into Margiela's version using Penfound's. I just love it!

I wore it with a black blazer later in the day and it looked perfect. I think so anyway. The padded shoulders are everything I could dream of. I had to adjust the colors of these two pictures because I used another camera on this outfit...kinda had a little fun with Photoshop.

Exciting things are happening. I finally finished studding this corset. It took a heck of a lot more work than I thought and my fingers definitely hurt (a lot). This one will go on eBay first and I'll be listing 2 on the shop blog as promised.