
My love affair with all things chocolate began at the ripe age of 7. In my 20 something year old life, I have traveled and had many different kinds of chocolate from all over the world. I was even lucky to visit the Hershey factory back in December. But, my favorite, remains to be Kit Kat. It isn't the ones that are sold for hundreds a pound. Perhaps the chocolate connoisseur scoffs at my pick, but my preference lies more so within the sentiments that Kit Kat made me experience as a child, simple happiness and
relief. Isn't it so funny that a child never needs or asks for anything fancy to be happy. Oh, to be a child again!

Here is a combination of some of my favorite childhood memories that I hold very dear to me.

Mr. Lego and a Kit Kat bar.
Oh and of course, sharing with Wall-E, a favorite of my young adulthood.
